Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Here are a few cool cheats:

1.How to fly in Sky Town.
Fall down from Sky Town but before you get to Prestos Edge, quickly go to your home.Then exit out from your home and you will be able to fly in Sky Town, above the Chasm and in the Jaguar Temple.

2.Where is the TV?
Go in the Chasm.Then ghost ray everything you can possibly ghost ray.The TV should come out somewhere.

3.How to get into the Dizzy TV Studios.
Get a TV.Then zap it.You will then automatically travel to the Dizzy TV Studios.( There is then a portal to Sky Town )

4.How to get a skate trick.
Go in Sky Town.Get on your skateboard.Get 10 power ups.You should then receive a miniature power up for you to keep.Do the same but instead of getting another small power up, you will get nothing.In order to get something, you must after getting 10 power ups, go on a trick.You will get the trick you went on.If you want another trick, do the same thing repeatedly using another trick.The maximum tricks including the power up is 7.Once you have seven you can't get any more.

5.How to style/color peoples' hair.
Go to Sky Town. Find the Firefly Sprite. Then ignore the sprite and look around. When you see the door with the doorbell, click the doorbell.You will have to play the games and pay $3000.

That's it for now,but there'll be more coming up later!
Hope it helped,

PS:If things have changed and some cheats don't work,feel free to post and tell me,I will try my best to solve the problem.Have fun playing Dizzywood!

1 comment:

Klemi900 said...

Dear people who read this.
Alvie here has wrote number 1 flying in sky town.
I taught her this so yeah